There are few very simple things than anyone can easily follow in his/her day today life..

The life is precious and so is our mother earth, and other resources, that has made it easy!

I have listed down few things I follow.

10.       I do car pooling since last 3.5 years
21.       Compulsorily take share rickshaw or any other public transport or simple walk at least once, twice per week.
32.       Using shower in place of bucket saves lot of water. (in the lowest flow mode)eg. In the lowest flow, a mug takes 30-45 seconds to fill, but while using bucket, we spill out at least 4-5 mugs of water within 45 seconds….
43.       I use a big tub while having bath. I literally stand in that tub and take bath(shower). After bath, I use that water for watering plants or use it for cleaning restrooms.
54.       I avoid washing machine, use water save mode when I use it and also make sure that the outlet goes to toilet or bathroom, so next time I need less or no water to clean toilet.
65.       RO purifiers waste almost 90% of water, I reuse that water for washing utensils or use it in garden.
76.       I never hesitate if I have to walk, no matter how long.
87.       I have done a rain water harvesting system for my building and I gather and redirect all the water coming down from terrace directly to the underground water tank. (using simple Coca-Cola plastic bottles and pipes)
98.       I avoid using fans when it’s possible to get fresh air from windows.
109.   I avoid using lights in the evening or early morning.
110.   I switch off lights from the room, that I am not using.
111.   All CFLs, no bulbs or tubes, even no TV!
112.   I use car / bike in full average mode most of the times. (max 20% throttle, whatever be the gear)
313.   I avoid buying new goods every now and then like cloths/footwear unless it’s absolutely necessary (as production process of these, consumes lot of resources)
114.   I gather seeds of various plants for complete year and throw them at various places in rainy season.
115.   Whenever possible I give lift to someone (without being asked)
116.   I have made a rule in my society that tap water will not remain ON all the time. And we all follow those timings.
117.   I never give my vehicles for washing. I park them in rain whenever possible and wash them myself. (it’s real fun!)
118.   I never throw away remaining water in bottle or any Glass, I drink it.
119.   I never touch lips to glass while drinking water, as if you do so, you need at least one more glass full of water to wash that glass.
220.   I always suggest everyone to use LPG gas burner in the lower pressure mode.
221.   I also use LPG water heater in the summer mode where only 1/3 of the burners are on. With lowest water flow option, which results in equally hot water, with less resources consumed.
222.   I always carry a cotton or jute bag while going to market and specifically tell not to give the goods in plastic bags.
223.   Whenever I see someone doing something that is RED and not GREEN, I do not hesitate to educate him/her on the spot.
24.  Stop using paper napkins wherever we go. Use handkerchief instead [weren’t we used to use it during our school/college days?]
25. Stop using elevators, use stairs, not just in company [unless not feeling well, pain in legs etc...]
    26. While using elevator, wait for somebody if he/she is nearby and approaching the elevator.
27. Switch off monitor [desktop/lab] while leaving the cube/lab
    3.1 Take a stroll in lab nearby and just switch off all monitors.
28. Switch off desktop before leaving for the day
29. While printing use one sided printouts by putting it in manual feed tray, clear side facing sky! [For HP printers in building A] Let me know in case of doubts. You can get papers from the lower tray [or me. I have stacked lot of them from all the floors of A and B building]
30. Print back to back if 5 not possible
    31 Adjust print margins so that number of pages needed is reduced
32. Separate wet and dry garbage
33. Stop bank statements, phone bills on paper, get them e-mailed to you.
34. Reuse all kinds of envelopes, for flexi claims etc.
35. Flexi Claim details can even be printed using method 5 above.
36. Switch off fan/lights while coming out of room
37. Switch off TV/music system [not using remote] when not in use.
38. Use bicycle in 3/4 KM radius from our home
39. Use water accumulated in utensils in kitchen sink to water the plants in our home
40. Try to collect rain water. I have fitted weather shade a month ago and also fitted water collector to it. I just keep a bucket under the pipe and rain fills it in no time :) Good free water source in these days. Will send photo tomorrow.
41. Shut tap while brushing/shaving
42. Add additive in fuel. This boosts up the average. My 8 year old 2 wheeler [HH Spl] used to return 60 kmpl. After I started adding the additive, it returned average of 71 kmpl [latest figure]. I put "iftex system 3" additive. 5 ml of additive [5 Rs] for 2.5 ltrs of petrol. It also considerably reduced the emission from by bike. **Consult your mechanic before putting the additive**
43. Photocopy back to back [let me know if need help]

Aren't these easy?
I do all of these and encourage you folks too [if not doing already] :) Please feel free to add if something more can be done which is not captured in the list.